221 S Mooney Blvd. Rm 224, Visalia, CA
(559) 636-5494

North County Man Faces Sexual Assault Charges; More Victims Suspected

North County Man Faces Sexual Assault Charges; More Victims Suspected

District Attorney Tim Ward has announced the filing of criminal charges against Tomas Jimenez, age 60, for sex crimes against four female victims.

Jimenez is charged with six felony counts and three misdemeanor counts related to sexual assault and battery. It is alleged that the crimes were committed in his Dinuba home starting in 2021 while conducting massages. It is believed that Jimenez worked largely within the Spanish-speaking community.

Law enforcement believes there are additional victims in this case. Anyone with more information is encouraged to confidentially contact the TCDA Bureau of Investigations tip line at 559-636-5467.

Formal charges were filed on June 25, 2024, after an investigation by the Dinuba Police Department. Jimenez was arrested on July 2, 2024, and entered a not guilty plea at arraignment the following day. He remains in custody on no bail.

A preliminary hearing setting is scheduled for July 17, 2024, in Department 3 of the Tulare County Superior Court.

Media inquiries can be directed to the Office of the District Attorney, County of Tulare Chief Deputy District Attorney Dave Alavezos (559) 636-5494

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