221 S Mooney Blvd. Rm 224, Visalia, CA
(559) 636-5494

Life Sentence in 2020 Visalia Shooting Death

Life Sentence in 2020 Visalia Shooting Death

Today in Department 6 of the Tulare County Superior Court, the court sentenced Andrew Hernandez, age 29, to life in prison for the 2020 shooting death of a man at a Visalia apartment complex.

On November 28, 2020, the victim, age 33, and co-defendant Curtis Williams, age 31, were engaged in an argument in the victim’s apartment. Surveillance video showed Hernandez, who lived in the neighboring apartment, entering the residence holding his waistband. Through witness testimony it was learned that Hernandez gave Williams the gun, who then shot the victim in the chest. Both men fled the apartment. The victim was not discovered until he had not been heard from for several days.

Hernandez was arrested in early December, but Williams fled to the Sacramento area. Williams was arrested on February 9, 2021, after fleeing from law enforcement on a rooftop and through a Visalia neighborhood.

On April 23, 2024, both men were convicted of first-degree murder. The jury found true special allegations that Williams personally used a firearm and personally discharged a firearm causing death. Hernandez must serve 26 years, not including CDCR credits, prior to parole consideration. Williams is scheduled to be sentenced in July 2024.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Sean Sangree.

Media inquiries can be directed to the Office of the District Attorney, County of Tulare Chief Deputy District Attorney Dave Alavezos (559) 636-5494

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