221 S Mooney Blvd. Rm 224, Visalia, CA
(559) 636-5494

Guilty Verdict in Attempted Murder of Police Officers

Guilty Verdict in Attempted Murder of Police Officers

TCDA prosecutors have secured a guilty verdict against Marvin Joseph Chang, age 36, for numerous felony crimes including attempted murder of a police officer for a 2021 incident that started in Three Rivers and ended in an orange grove.

On February 19, 2021, while at a Three Rivers gas station, Chang knocked on the window of a car while holding the firearm and pointed it at the female occupant. The woman was able to drive away and call police. Chang continued to pump his gas, then discharged his firearm out his car window while leaving the location in his white Prius.

CalFire law enforcement, aware of the “be on the lookout” for the white Prius, spotted the car and performed a traffic stop in the area of Horse Creek bridge. Chang stopped in at an angle in the middle of the road and took aim and began firing at the two officers, who returned fire while taking cover behind their truck. Chang then fled and CalFire officers began pursuit. During the pursuit, Chang fired additional shots at CalFire.

On Highway 198 near Lemon Cove, a Tulare County Sheriff’s Office unit waited for the Prius. As Chang passed and deputies joined the pursuit, he fired one shot at the vehicle and threw various items including a large flashlight. A California Highway Patrol officer took the lead in the pursuit as Chang passed Badger Hill, often driving on the opposite side of the road. At the intersection of 198 and Spruce, Chang fired a shot at a Sheriff’s deputy conducting traffic control.

At the intersection of 198 and Road 196, Chang again fired at a Sheriff’s deputy who was deploying a spike strip. Chang then turned on to northbound Road 196, avoiding the spike strip. As the pursuit continued, a tire on the Prius blew out, causing Chang to stop in a young orange grove. While Sheriff’s deputies continued their pursuit of Chang, who fled his vehicle and was now on foot, the CHP officer parked behind the Prius to clear the vehicle. As the CHP officer approached the Pruis with her weapon holstered, Chang emerged from behind a tree firing his gun. The CHP officer returned fire, and as she attempted to reload, Chang advanced and fired additional rounds. The CHP officer was shot once in the shoulder, then pistol whipped by Chang after his firearm jammed. Sheriff’s deputies, upon hearing the shots fired, returned to the area and Chang fled through the trees. Chang was apprehended after another firefight with law enforcement.

A search of Chang revealed he was in possession of a firearm with an extended magazine and was wearing a ballistic vest. A search of the Prius revealed an additional handgun, an AR rifle, additional magazines, three knives, and over 1000 rounds of ammunition. Chang was also in possession of hallucinogenic mushrooms.

At trial on July 22, 2024, in Department 10, a jury found Chang guilty of five counts of premeditated and deliberate attempted murder, assault with a semi-automatic firearm on peace officers, felon in possession of firearms, ammunition, and a ballistic vest, felony evading, and special allegations that he personally discharged a firearm. The court also found true Chang’s 2008 prior conviction for an assault with a deadly weapon, a strike offense. On July 24, 2024, the same jury found Chang to be legally sane at the time of his crimes.

During his testimony at trial, Chang admitted his history and support for political extremism, including affiliations with anarchist “revolutionary” groups such as Antifa and others with strong anti-government, anti-law enforcement sentiments.

Sentencing is scheduled for August 16, 2024, in Superior Court where Chang faces life in prison.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Jessica Weatherly and was investigated by Visalia Police Department Detective Miguel Leon.

Media inquiries can be directed to the Office of the District Attorney, County of Tulare Assistant District Attorney Jessica Weatherly (559) 636-5494

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