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221 S Mooney Blvd. Rm 224, Visalia, CA
(559) 636-5494

District Attorney to Host 24th Victims of Crime Memorial Ceremony

District Attorney to Host 24th Victims of Crime Memorial Ceremony

The public is invited to observe National Crime Victims’ Rights Week 2024 at the District Attorney’s annual memorial quilt unveiling at 6 pm on Thursday, April 25 at the Visalia Convention Center Charter Oak Ballroom.

Since 1981, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week has brought attention to the millions of Americans impacted by crime and the people who advocate on their behalf. In Tulare County, the District Attorney has observed the week with the annual unveiling of a memorial quilt depicting local residents lost to violent crime. This year’s handmade quilt, the office’s 24th such memorial, will represent 21 people. Quilts from previous observances will be on display that night and at the Visalia Convention Center from 10 am to 6:30 pm on Friday, April 26. 

“This year’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week theme is very meaningful to the men and women of our office – Options, Services, and Hope for Crime Survivors,” said Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward. “In 1980, the first Victim / Witness Assistance Division was established in Tulare County. The division came under the direction of the Office of the District Attorney in 1996. Today, nearly 20 advocates and one service K9 serve thousands of victims and survivors each year at every step of the justice process and beyond.”

Both the quilt ceremony and display are open to the public. To assist us with seating, please RSVP to

For more information on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, visit the Office for Victims of Crime at To view previous quilts, visit

Media inquiries can be directed to the Office of the District Attorney, County of Tulare Victim Services Director Jennifer Lightfoot (559) 636-5471 or Communications Director Stuart Anderson at 559-636-5494