221 S Mooney Blvd. Rm 224, Visalia, CA
(559) 636-5494

District Attorney Introduces Office’s First Electronic Detection K9

District Attorney Introduces Office’s First Electronic Detection K9

District Attorney Tim Ward is pleased to introduce Tor, TCDA’s first electronic detection K9. Tor was welcomed at today’s Board of Supervisors meeting in Visalia.

Tor, a two-year-old black labrador retriever, is an inaugural graduate of the United States Secret Service (USSS) National Computer Forensic Institute (NCFI) program for electronic detection K9’s. The TCDA Bureau of Investigations was one of only 12 agencies nationwide selected by the NCFI to participate in its inaugural class. As part of this selection, Tor’s placement and training is funded by the USSS.

“The inclusion of Tor and his skillset continues our focus on the prosecution of digital evidence, white-collar crime, and crimes against children” said District Attorney Tim Ward. “We are honored to have him in our ranks and look forward to his role in the justice process.”

Trained by Jordan Detection K9’s, Tor can detect the odor of the chemical component Triphenylphosphine Oxide (TPPO) which is used in the manufacturing of electronics to prevent overheating. Tor is trained to locate hidden electronics such as smart phones, hard drives, thumb drives, cameras, and micro-SD cards. He will most often be used in the execution of search warrants for a less intrusive and more targeted search of electronics.

TCDA Criminal Investigator Anthony Benitez, one of California’s foremost experts on law enforcement digital forensics, spent weeks working with Tor in Hoover, Alabama, before his introduction to his new TCDA colleagues.

“It was a privilege to be selected to attend the first ever NCFI EDD training course. Participating in the EDD training isn’t just about enhancing our office’s capabilities; it’s about ensuring the safety and well-being of our community,” said Investigator Benitez. “The knowledge and skills gained, working with Tor, will be invaluable in our mission to protect and serve.”

Handlers were encouraged to name their dogs with a focus on technology. Tor stands for “The Onion Router,” a web browser used to access the dark web. 

Tor’s mission and specialized training differ significantly from that of Fortune, Tulare County’s first courthouse K9, who passed away in November 2024. The TCDA Victim Services Division is currently working to onboard a successor courthouse dog to serve victims of crime and children.

Media inquiries can be directed to the Office of the District Attorney, County of Tulare Communications Director Stuart Anderson (559) 636-5494

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